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The Ultimate Guide to Good Quality T-Shirt Printing

The Ultimate Guide to Good Quality T-Shirt Printing


The Ultimate Guide to Good Quality T-Shirt Printing: Techniques and Tips

Good quality custom shirts are hard to come by; however, if you can make one yourself or find one that could make it from scratch while delivering the desired results, it could be a real game changer. Not only are you able to showcase how unique you are as an individual and as a brand (if you have, you're running a company), but you're able to express your individuality and style with ease. Now, even though it may sound simple to get high-quality t-shirt printing where you can simply get a design and have it printed, there are several factors that you must consider to make sure that what you're doing is higher quality than the rest. You need to understand factors such as choosing the right design and printshop, and that said, we will explore that in this blog.

Good Quality T Shirt Printing

Factors that Affect the Quality of T-Shirt Printing

Several factors determine the quality of the t-shirt prints. Let's start first with the type of printing. There are different techniques when it comes to printing your designs on apparel. Each has advantages and disadvantages, starting with screenprinting, direct-to-garment printing, or embroidery. Here is a table that describes each of them and their potential when it comes to shirt printing


Type of Printing

Screen Printing

DTG Printing



- High color vibrancy

- Detailed and complex designs possible

- Professional and upscale appearance


- Long-lasting prints

- No setup costs for small runs

- Durable and long-lasting


- Cost-effective for large batches

- Quick turnaround time

- Textured and tactile finish


- Versatile on various fabrics

- Minimal setup and cleanup required

- Suitable for intricate designs


- Suitable for outdoor and rough use

- No minimum order quantity restrictions

- Adds perceived value to garments


- Initial setup costs for screens

- Limited color vibrancy on dark garments

- Limited color options on some fabrics


- Not cost-effective for small runs

- Print may fade over time

- Not suitable for lightweight fabrics


- Longer setup and cleanup time

- Limited durability compared to other methods

- Requires digitization of designs


- Limited detail on delicate designs

- Requires pre-treatment for some fabrics

- May be more expensive for large designs


- Not suitable for intricate designs

- Can be more expensive for large runs


Second is the type of fabric and garment that you'll be choosing for the prints. This is very important since the fabric can affect the overall adherence of the ink and how well the garment would withstand multiple washes and wear. In addition, the fabric's overall texture and feel also affect the shirt's quality. The standard fabric will be a night and day difference compared to the premium ones. Premium fabrics have a higher quality feel, and the people wearing them would better perceive your brand. Note that different fabrics may require specific printing techniques to achieve optimal results.

Third is the quality of the materials used (ink included). If you or the t-shirt printing company uses higher quality inks and materials, you're expected to get vibrant colors, sharp details, and longer-lasting prints. In contrast, if the printing company you're working with uses low-quality inks and materials, the designs themselves will fade, crack, or peel over time, compromising the overall quality of the apparel. If you're going for a DIY shirt, you should find higher quality inks and materials, or if you're going for a t-shirt printing company, you should go with someone who uses the higher quality ones. 

Lastly, we have a skilled printer and a capable support group. First is the skilled printer. Well, technically, if you're going to DIY, you might not need this, but for those who are going for a t-shirt printing company, you may opt-in for those with years of experience with printing apparel. A skilled printer will understand the technicalities of printing, which will give you impeccable results. Another thing to support this is the capable support group. If you're going for a t-shirt printing company to have these done, then you must go for those with excellent communication skills through their support. Make sure that they can communicate your needs with your custom apparel.

Popular Printing Techniques for High-Quality Results

Screen Printing

Screen printing, or silk printing, involves transferring ink onto the garment through a mesh screen. To transfer the design, a stencil is created on the screen. Once the ink is pushed through it, it goes through the open areas and passes through using a squeegee onto the garment. 

The reason brands and businesses use it is because, among the two, it can offer vibrant colors that can withstand multiple washes. If you want custom tees or apparel that is durable and has high-quality prints, use this method instead of heat transfer.

Screen Printing Services

DTG Printing

DTG prints are different from screen printing as they use inkjet to print designs directly onto the fabric. Using this method is better for detailed design and smaller print runs. You may want to use this method if you’re design is complex and requires multiple colors. Screen printing multiple colored apparel could be expensive as the number of screens can rack up the cost. 


Embroidery is a more premium approach that doesn’t involve printing but rather stitching. It may not be a printing technique, but it is one of the most popular. It gives your apparel a longer-lasting and premium feel, and it's different from the other methods. Embroidered apparel is perfect for memorable events and iconic designs like patches.

How to Choose The Right Printing Technique for Your Shirt?

Choosing the proper printing technique can be tricky; however, you should focus only on four aspects: design complexity, fabric type, quantity, and durability.

Quality T-Shirt Printing

For your design, choose a technique that can reproduce your design and its intricacies. If you have lower colors and want them to be vibrant, go with screen printing. And if you have complex designs with multicolors, you can use DTG printing. Just be wary of the costs of the technique that you're using, as it can increase if you use the wrong method for the design you want. 

Next is fabric type. Ensure you’re using a fabric that is compatible with your design. This means you should choose the right color that complements your design. Your shirt should also be not substandard so that it wouldn't be worn by the audience you're trying to reach. 

Afterwards, you consider the quantity. Techniques such as screen printing are more cost-effective if you’re going for large runs of prints, and in contrast, DTG is much better if you're going for only a couple of shirts. Try to asses whether you're going for bulk orders or only a couple so that you can adjust your designs to create a perfect match for your budget.

Tips for Maintaining the Quality of Printed Shirts

Now that you have your apparel, it would suck if the quality of the apparel would decline over a single wash. You may use the following ways to maintain the integrity of the prints you will have.

  • Follow Care Instructions: If the manufacturer's care instructions tell you not to iron the printed design, do not iron it, as it can potentially damage or crack the design. Make sure to follow these instructions, as they can be easily overlooked.
  • Wash inside out: This is simple to prevent and protect the shirt from fading and abrasing the shirt design.
  • Use Mild Detergent: Opt for gentle detergents to avoid damaging the prints, as those with more robust prints (i.e., w/ bleaches) can easily crack the print and fade it out.
  • Store it Properly: Store shirts flat or hanging to prevent creasing and distortion of the prints.

Wrapping Up

If you want good quality t-shirt printing, go with a t-shirt printing company with the technique, skill, and attention to detail. Find those who understand the key factors influencing the print quality to achieve the desired results. Those who know the techniques that can make your shirt look impressive withstand the test of time. Also, don't forget that once you have your apparel, take care of it and maintain it. These shirts can make your brand stand out if you keep wearing them, and your audience can keep them.

Tee Vision Printing
920 E Hunting Park Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19124
(267) 538-5331

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